Bio: Courtney Anika


Courtney yellow


A Seeker

First Section: Use this space to talk about where you come from and the people who inspire you to do this work. 

I am the first child born to Nikki Lynn and Reuben Earl Sr. of San Jose, California. I can be  quoted as saying that the Bay Area raised me but Philly made me.  Since then, I have found myself becoming in Denver, CO  and most recently rooting in Charlotte, NC. I am inspired by my community in the different  places I have lived that have and continue to support, challenge, and love  me through my many transformations. I am inspired by my grandmothers, Nancy May & Versie Lee,  who were both caretakers, passionate, loud, joyful, independent, justice-centered,  funny, respected, and who committed their lives to the service of others. I am inspired by Black  Queer elders that have led  in resistance, authenticity, and deep devotion to self and communal liberation. I am inspired by those that are forever learners, that portray the wisdom of those that listen before they speak and continue to seek knowledge from those of various backgrounds and experiences, and those that are  willing to adapt and transform. I am inspired by the trees and their unwavering roots, constant change, and magnificent beauty. I am inspired by the people I have the opportunity to dream and play with daily; my co-workers, my best friends, and my chosen family near and far who are striving to be more of themselves every day, to heal their lineages, and to  make a difference in this world by their mere existence in it. And lastly, I am inspired by Meg thee Stallion. 

Second Section: Talk your s*&@! Tell us your story. How did you get to Soul 2 Soul? What was your career/healing/soul journey to get here? 

From an early age, I have been committed to being a part of community work, advocating, and organizing, even when it meant being the mom friend. I  have always  been interested in people, how and why we work the way we do, learning from one another, as well as exploring  my role in this human experience. 

As such, I have dedicated my  career to  various nonprofits, churches, and higher education institutions. Recognizing that part of our collective healing and liberation requires systemic change as well as relational & personal change, I have learned to listen to the stories of ancestors, elders, peers, and students, which has been a catalyst for my own healing.  While I continue to work on decolonizing my own programming, part of my trajectory and the tools that I utilize in my work come from receiving  an  Associate of Arts degree in Communication Studies, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Youth Ministry, as well as  a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership.  

My personal and professional journey has taught me how to  genuinely honor and embrace all of my own being and to  support and encourage others in doing the same, which is reflected in Soul 2 Soul Sisters’ love based revolution. I want us all to love ourselves, unapologetically  and to be free. I’m truly honored that this moment has found me here. 

Third Section: We are called to do the work our Souls must have. How does Soul 2 Soul Sisters meet you where you are called? What is your role at Soul 2 Soul Sisters? How do you breathe life into your role?

I am deeply committed to deprogramming how I was personally socialized as well as decolonizing the systems we exist in. Soul 2 Soul Sisters  provides the perfect canvas for me to live into a daily embodiment of liberation by engaging in and developing processes and policies that celebrate the intersections of Blackness & Queerness. As my role requires me to do all things behind the scenes in our operations, it cultivates an opportunity for me to curate space for my colleagues to thrive and do what they do best, while I do what I do best. 

I breathe life into my role by showing up as my full self, there is never a moment where my quick witted, curious, observant, rational, peace seeking, organized,  self is not present or where my Enneagram 3, my Gemini Sun, my Aquarius Moon, or my Virgo Rising is not seen, embraced, and valued.

Fourth SectionIf Black beloveds were free,...

You could find me in almost any body of water, laying on a Fat-friendly floaty, drinking a Manhattan  in the sun, barefoot, listening to  good music, eating  food seasoned by the  ancestors, surrounded by joy, full belly laughs of children, and the peace of stillness with no concern or desire of productivity and the need to do, in order to be.