Bio: Ash Ferguson


Ash Ferguson


South Carolina born and raised, Ash Ferguson, was nourished and nurtured by a village of Black Women: her mother, Jacquelyn Ferguson, aunt, Frances McCarroll, and granny, the late Mae Ferguson. Their tenacious testimony of Black Womanhood instilled an unwavering spirit in Ash which inspired her to become a truth teller, visionary, and channel. Her primary work is centered on decolonizing love and spirituality as a tool for collective liberation. 

Ash is a queer, non-binary, mystic, spiritual coach, friend and community leader. A lover of Black people, especially Black women, Ash is committed to creating spaces for Black Femmes to heal and thrive against all odds. Her work personally and professionally is fueled from her knowing that all Black people are destined to live pleasure filled lives. They are a manifestor, breaking way for new visions of living a life fully liberated from the systems that try to bind us. They are a pleasure doula, journeying with people in creating and birthing a life filled with pleasure. She is a holds space for beloveds healing from trauma using Acudetox and sacred touch. 

Ash is currently based in Denver, CO - ancestral land of the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapahoe nations - and is the Staff, Programs, & Operations Wellness Manager for Soul 2 Soul Sisters, a fiercely faith-based racial justice organization that boldly intersects anti-Black racism work, reproductive justice, electoral justice and reparations to actualize Black healing and Black liberation. 

Health & Healing

Ash knows that as she heals, her ancestors heal 7 generations ahead and 7 generations behind and takes it seriously. Ash goes to therapy, receives acupuncture, massage and energy work on a regular basis. Other practices that she engages in is meditation, yoga, african drumming, painting, doodling, playing and singing. With a deep knowing that anything that you think of, you create, Ash really works hard to hold a high vibration so that the things she attracts are in alignment with that which her heart desires. 

Throughout her childhood she watched her single mother as an athlete, a gym teacher and coach of several sports. Through that they learned several things, that you do not have to give up the things you love in the name of motherhood, to allow play into your life and moving your body was a means of liberation. Ash remembered being at work with my mom one day and saying to her, “You aren’t working, your’re playing,” and her mother said “That is the gift baby. When you do what you love and listen to your calling, it always feels like play.” Ash has been answering her callings ever since.


Joy for me is laughing on the porch with beloveds, telling stories and talkin shit, dancing in the kitchen and singing at the top of my lungs. Full moon ceremonies and stargazing with my love. Going on adventures searching for sunflower fields and chasing the moon. Joy is park dates on summer days and walks with deep conversation. Joy is being authentic and full in my expression of self and cherished for it. Being able to curl up with a book under a blanket by the ocean. Joy is being held, fed delicious foods, and reading poetry with my lover. Joy is being seen, witnessed and supported. Joy is pleasure and that is worth being protected and shared.