We love Black Women, femmes & gender expansive beloveds as we lead a love-based revolution™

Black people who identify as Woman, Femme, Trans, gender expansive ... and who are elderly, spiritual, courageous, outrageous, religious, audacious, incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, serious, spontaneous, playful, disabled, creative, immigrant … ALL Black gender expansive beloveds are divine creations and are welcome.

Soul 2 Soul Sisters A Divine Black Feminine Experience

Soul 2 Soul Sisters’™ love-based revolution centers Black liberation as a response to anti-Black violence through eradicating white supremacy, actualizing reparations as healing & economic justice, building Black political power, and advocating for Black beloveds’ right to make decisions about our lives, bodies, and futures. 

Staff Group Pic

Our Passion Black Women's Healing, Health & Joy

A precious aspect of Soul 2 Soul Sisters is we honor and support Black Women, girls, and gender expansive beloveds wherever they are in the broad spectrum of their reproductive journey i.e. healthy body-image, healthy partnered relationships, correct use of contraceptives, deciding when to have a baby, support with breastfeeding, navigating postpartum, healing from a miscarriage, or deciding whether to have an abortion – Soul 2 Soul Sisters upholds abortion as a sacred, holy decision among Self, Divine, Universe, Ancestors and Chosen Beloveds #MyBody #MySacredDecision. 

We love Black Women, girls, and gender expansive beings as we lead a love-based revolution.

Looking for books to learn more? Visit our Bookshop for books recommended by our Beloveds.
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Black Civic Engagement & Policy

Our Black Civic Engagement & Policy program is a Black Women-centered, non-partisan program that is committed to consistently advocate for the dismantling of anti-Black oppression within institutions – the legislature, ballot box, and beyond.

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Black Healing, Health & Joy

Black Healing, Health & Joy strives to embody and model life-nourishing ways to honor and center Black Beloved’s individual & communal healing journeys, address disparities in health, and advocate for Black beloveds’ right to make decisions about our lives, bodies, and futures.

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Facing Racism

Facing Racism is our ending anti-Black racism & ending white supremacy culture programming. We host cohorts for individuals and a Facing Racism Alumni program.

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OURstory is interwoven into all of Soul 2 Soul Sisters’ work aiming to make our love-based revolution irresistible. We honor stories of our past, archive stories of right now, and dream stories of liberated futures. We produce juicy, Black, joy-filled content. And we disrupt anti-Black narratives and shift the collective mindset of Blackness and Black humanity.

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Reparations for Black Beloveds is the process of truth-telling, repairing, and healing the intergenerational violence inflicted by historical and current-day systemic oppression and injustices rooted in American chattel slavery. Going beyond mere compensation, reparations embody a loved-based approach, aiming to empower Black Beloveds and restore dignity, bodily autonomy, and spirit. Aligned with the United Nations principles for reparations, our loved-based approach includes 1) cessation, assurances, and guarantees of non-repetition, 2) restitution and repatriation, 3) compensation, 4) satisfaction, and 5) rehabilitation.

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Sacred Seeds Black Birthworker Collective of Colorado

Sacred Seeds Black Birthworker Collective of Colorado consists of full spectrum Black birthworkers whose expertise range from fertility, prenatal, labor/birth, postpartum, abortion, nutrition, lactation counseling, maternal mental health, and bereavement. We provide sacred space for new and seasoned birth workers alike to engage in personal and professional development opportunities and relationship building to support birth workers as they journey with Black birthing people, babies and families.

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Self-Love Journeys

Self-Love Journeys are monthly gatherings that explore healing modalities through various themes aimed to support Black Beloveds’ wherever they are in their emotional, spiritual, physical, and/or mental healing and health journeys.

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Black Birthing Guide Final

We offer this Black Birthing Guide to join the growing list of national resources that center Black birth. It includes information on birth teams and birth settings, tips for communicating with healthcare providers, self-advocacy tools, and steps to pursue accountability measures from medical facilities and providers. It can be used as a starting point and reference guide in navigating important pregnancy decisions. You’ll find a glossary of terms, facts, and various calls to action throughout the guide to expand our scope outside the limitations of this document.

Guided by Nature: Healthy Chocolate Milk

a living exhibit by Briana Simmons

Black Midwives Day

National Black Midwives Day Petition

The National Black Midwives Alliance (NBMA) is launching a campaign to establish March 14th as Black Midwives Day. NBMA is campaigning for a Black Midwives Day:

  • To strengthen the base of Black midwives and their supporters
  • To preserve the cultural history of Black midwifery as an important part of the story of America
  • To provide advocacy tools that eliminate barriers to education and resources for Black midwives
  • To build power by developing a national unified voice that advocates for Black midwifery
  • To address perinatal health disparities that impact Black communities
  • To elevate the consumer demand for access to midwifery and community birth

Join us in commemorating the legacy of black midwifery on March 14th, forevermore to be known as Black Midwives Day!