Bio: Shan Lagard

I am:
- A lover
- A learner
- An activist
- A lesbian
- A Black femme
- An enjoyer of food
- A creative
- A music lover
- A reader
- A gamer
First Section Use this space to talk about where you come from and the people who inspire you to do this work.
I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. I moved around a lot as a child so I have also lived in Hawai’i and Texas. The people who inspire me to do this work are my friends. It is such an honor and privilege to be in community with them because it serves as a constant reminder that it is possible for a better world to exist.
Second Section Talk your s*&@! Tell us your story. How did you get to Soul 2 Soul? What was your career/healing/soul journey to get here?
I found Soul 2 Soul through my partner’s grandma. She told me about a bill Soul 2 Soul passed in the 2023 legislative session and told me to get connected with the organization. I kept that information in my back pocket because I was not sure what that would like for me since I was just wrapping up my first year of graduate school. Then in September 2023, I came across the job listing for the Black Civic Engagement and Policy Coordinator role and it felt like the universe was saying, “this is for you.” Prior to joining Soul 2 Soul, I worked for a non- profit counseling center in development. That job taught me a lot but it ultimately wasn’t the career I wanted for myself.
My healing and soul journeys have been very winding roads. They are constantly changing and evolving. I believe being at Soul 2 Soul is aiding in these journeys more than I could have ever imagined.
Third Section We are called to do the work our Souls must have. How does Soul 2 Soul Sisters meet you where you are called? What is your role at Soul 2 Soul Sisters? How do you breathe life into your role?
Soul 2 Soul Sisters meets me where I am called through its mission, programs, and staff. I originally went to college with the hopes of becoming an OB-GYN and addressing the disparities of Black maternal and infant healthcare. Once I pivoted away from medical school, I was unsure about how I would meet this purpose and then I found Soul 2 Soul Sisters. Now, not only am I fulfilling my soul’s purpose, I am doing it in the way that I want to be. My role at Soul 2 Soul Sisters is the Black Civic Engagement and Policy Coordinator. I breathe life into my role through my passion, my education journey, my spiritual/healing practices, and my lived experience as a Black femme.
Fourth Section If Black beloveds were free, you could find me…
On a beach somewhere with a book or podcast with my ku’uipo