Bio: Desteni Rivers


Desteni yellow


A Steadfast Changemaker

First Section

Desteni is a Black, queer woman originally from Tennessee. She draws inspiration from her upbringing, which was filled with love and support, amidst the pervasive barriers faced by Black communities, particularly Black women. Motivated by a desire to enact positive change, she finds strength in her roots and loved ones. Additionally, Desteni's work is deeply inspired by the trailblazing efforts of Black Women Reparations advocates, Callie House and Queen Mother Audley Moore.

Second Section

Desteni earned a Bachelor of Arts in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies with double minors in Africana Studies and Law & Society from the University of Pennsylvania. Desteni has built a solid foundation of knowledge about Reproductive Justice during college. During her academic journey, she actively contributed to various initiatives promoting HIV testing and PrEP to Black Women, as well as leveraging doulas to address disparities in Black birthing mortality rates. Her commitment to Reproductive Justice persists, as she is a dedicated student and practitioner in the field.

During her time on campus, Desteni held numerous leadership roles, advocating against interpersonal violence, contributing to her school's LGBT center, and mentoring youth. It was during these experiences that her passion for social justice work and organizing flourished.

After graduating, Desteni transitioned into the role of grant writer, focusing on supporting grassroots BIPOC and Women-led nonprofits dedicated to fighting for justice. One of these nonprofits happened to be Soul 2 Soul Sisters, an organization that felt like home due to the connection with Reproductive Justice and Racial Justice. This alignment with her values and interests solidified her commitment to the cause and inspired her to continue her journey in advocacy and community empowerment.

Third Section

Desteni serves as the Grants & Reparations Coordinator at Soul 2 Soul Sisters, embodying a profound dedication to advocacy. Whether securing funding and resources from institutional bodies or galvanizing collective support for the reparations movement, Desteni's role is deeply rooted in advancing the welfare of Black beloveds. Through her tireless efforts, she brings her role to life, infusing every action with a strong sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to racial and reproductive justice.

Fourth Section

If Black beloveds were free, you would find Desteni fully diving into her love for travel, soaking up different cultures wherever she goes. Desteni would be picking up yet another language, gearing up for a long stint living somewhere new. Although that's not her full reality, Desteni is currently diving into Portuguese because she’s getting ready for a trip to Brazil!